Midlands Rat Club

MRC AGM Show, Saturday 6th April 2019

Seagrave Village Hall

Green Lane
LE12 7LH

10am - Doors open
10.45am - All rats to be benched
11am - AGM
12 noon - Judging begins

Entry to the annual general meeting is for members only, so non-members will be asked to leave the meeting room annexe before this commences.

Visitors are welcome after 12 noon.
Entry to the show hall is free of charge and open to non-members.

Show Entries:

Show Secretary: Sandra Mobbs

Show Manager:

Varieties Judge: Julie Oliver

Pet Judge:

Catering Co-ordinator:

Health Checks: Committee member

Attractions: Refreshments, MRC Club Shop, RattieAngels, Solstice Minis, Rattybum Hammocks, Parsnip Pottery.

Please have your entries in by 8pm on Wednesday 3rd April. Hire tanks available if booked in advance.

Rats can be entered as pets or under their variety standard. Try our 'Which class?' guide to find out which variety class to enter your rat in.

Show Entries

Online Show Entry Form

If you prefer to email your entry in, then you can send it to showentries@midlandsratclub.org

Online Rat Exchange Notification Form (aka Kitten checks\)

The entry and notification deadline is 8pm on the Wednesday before the show.

Show FAQ


Entry Guidance Scheme:
If you have not previously shown rats, but are interested to see whether your rat could be entered, why not bring him or her along to find out whether you could? You can then make up your mind on the spot and enter your rat if you like!

Due to the popularity of this scheme at the last show, please email the show secretary at showentries@midlandsratclub.org to register your interest, so we can ensure we bring along sufficient numbers of hire tanks and documentation.

Bringing Rats to the Show

Shoulder Rats

Shoulder rats are allowed at this show - a maximum of three from any one household. There is no charge for bringing shoulder rats but we remind people not to bring ANY rats, either as entries or as shoulder rats, unless they are 100% fine and healthy. Please also do not bring rats if you have taken in rats from an 'unknown' source (eg. rescue or pet shop) in the past two weeks.

Please note that the MRC does not allow rats with harmful mutations within the environs of the show. At present, these varieties comprise:

  • Hairless or Sphinx rats, either genetically hairless or double rexes that are hairless.
  • Tailless or Manx rats, or rats which, through injury, are not distinguishable from these.
  • Black Eyed White rats may not be shown either in pets or varieties, but may attend the show. (This does not apply to faded roans, which can be shown in the pet classes.)


To prevent the spread of infections, we request you not to bring rats to the show if you have attended a show or taken in rats within the past two weeks, particularly if a virus is known to be circulating. See the article Prevention is better than cure for more detailed advice.

Your Entries

Enter using the online form above right or by email to showentries@midlandsratclub.org. Close of entries is at 9pm on the Wednesday preceding the show. See How to Show for more details.

Hire tanks are available for novice or first time show-ers. We only have a limited number of tanks available for hire, so we would ask that members who regularly show provide their own suitable tanks to allow novice entries priority.

Health Checks

If you wish to exchange rats at this show please use our online form or contact the Show Organiser. You must pre-notify details of any rats or small furries which will be taken to the show for collection. Descriptions and ages will be required. Only pre-arranged sales and exchanges may be made.
Why do I have to notify the club?