Show Results
7th February 2015 at Sawley, Long Eaton
Judged by Tanya Rawlinson
Self Challenge
1st: 1302, Black Lupin Hellebore, black adult doe, owned and bred by Claire Roberts.
2nd: 1301, Ebony, black adult doe, owned and bred by Amy Black-Savage.
Marked Challenge
1st: 3801, Scramble's Nook Banjo, roan buck kitten, owned by Charlotte-Eve Millington.
2nd: 3102, Brandywine Ben, Russian blue agouti Essex buck, owned by Nigel Winks and bred by Annette Rand.
3rd: 2501, Xena, black hooded adult doe, owned by Joanne Jefferd.
4th: 2202, Pythagoras Swanky, owned by Samantha Redgrave and bred by Ann Holloway.
Russian Challenge
1st: 3911, Black Lupin Lucy, Russian blue adult doe, owned and bred by Claire Roberts.
2nd: 4302, Brandywine Adeline, Russian blue agouti adult doe, owned and bred by Annette Rand.
3rd: 3904, Black Lupin Carol, Russian blue adult doe, owned by Sherry Johnstone and bred by Claire Roberts.
4th: 4301, Aurora, Russian blue agouti adult doe, owned by Joanne Jefferd and bred by Jonathan Savage.
Shaded Challenge
1st: 5101, Hibiscus Alistair, Siamese adult buck, owned by Joanne Jefferd and bred by Adrienne Vallender.
AOV Challenge
1st: 6702, Origin Barley, silver chocolate adult buck, owned by Gundula Swann and bred by Daniel Fearn.
2nd: 6703, Black Lupin Patchouli, silver black adult buck, owned and bred by Claire Roberts.
3rd: 6301, Rattieangels Lincoln, topaz adult buck, owned and bred by Samantha Redgrave.
4th: 7101, Swiftvalley Montgomerie, cinnamon adult buck,
Rex Challenge
1st: 8701, Thorn, Siamese rex adult buck, owned by Jonathan Savage.
2nd: 8501, RattieAngels Welles, Russian blue agouti rex adult buck, owned and bred by Samantha Redgrave.
3rd: 8901, RattieAngles Harper, topaz rex doe, owned and bred by Samantha Redgrave.
Dumbo Challenge
1st: 9501, Black Lupin Elsa, Russian dove dumbo adult doe, owned and bred by Claire Roberts.
2nd: 9502, Black Lupin Ash, Russian blue dumbo adult buck, owned and bred by Claire Roberts.
3rd: 9102, Origin Nugget, British blue dumbo adult buck, owned by Gundula Swann and bred by Daniel Fearn.
4th: 9601, Brammocks Hector, Russian blue agouti dumbo buck kitten, owned by Nigel Winks and bred by Lyn Lazarevic.
Junior Challenge
1st: 3801, Scramble's Nook Banjo, roan buck kitten, owned by Charlotte-Eve Millington.
2nd: 2201, Scramble's Nook Vito, agouti Berkshire buck kitten, owned by Charlotte-Eve Millington.
3rd: 9401, Twilight Rocket Raccoon, badger dumbo buck kitten, owned by Lisa Gellert.
Stud Buck
1st: 3908, Black Lupin Illium, Russian blue adult buck, owned and bred by Claire Roberts. Q
2nd: 8701, Thorn, Siamese rex adult buck, owned by Jonathan Savage.
3rd: 3102, Brandywine Ben, Russian blue agouti Essex buck, owned by Nigel Winks and bred by Annette Rand.
4th: 4101, Brandywine Bucks Fizz, Russian dove adult buck, owned by Lisa Richards and bred by Annette Rand.
Novice Award
1st: 3911, Black Lupin Lucy, Russian blue adult doe, owned and bred by Claire Roberts.
2nd: 1302, Black Lupin Hellebore, black adult doe, owned and bred by Claire Roberts.
3rd: 9501, Black Lupin Elsa, Russian dove dumbo adult doe, owned and bred by Claire Roberts.
4th: 3906, Black Lupin Boris, Russian blue adult buck, owned and bred by Claire Roberts.
Special Awards
Kidnapped: 9401, Twilight Rocket Raccoon, badger dumbo buck kitten, owned by Lisa Gellert and bred by Twilight Rattery.
Supreme Challenge
Best In Show: 3911, Black Lupin Lucy, Russian blue adult doe, owned and bred by Claire Roberts. QQQQ
Reserve Best In Show: 1302, Black Lupin Hellebore, black adult doe, owned and bred by Claire Roberts. QQQ
3rd: 9501, Black Lupin Elsa, Russian dove dumbo adult doe, owned and bred by Claire Roberts. QQ
4th: 4302, Brandywine Adeline, Russian blue agouti adult doe, owned and bred by Annette Rand. Q
Best Opposite Age: 3801, Scramble's Nook Banjo, roan buck kitten, owned by Charlotte-Eve Millington. Q
MRC Quality Awards
Q = Points towards Annual Quality Award.
Q = Points towards Annual Quality Award and Quality Breeder Award.