Midlands Rat Club

Show Results

7th April 2012 - Collingwood


Judged by Nina Jensen

Best Adult Owned Buck

1st: P1A5, Mercury Galileo, Russian Blue Agouti Point Siamese Buck Adult, owned and bred by Becky Hinson

2nd: P1K2, Stanley, White Rex Buck Kitten, owned by Ann Holloway

3rd: P1V1, Billy Be Bad, Silver Black Buck Veteran, owned by Polena Grzyb

4th: P1A3, Spanner in the Works, Berkshire Rex Buck Adult, owned by Polena Grzyb

Best Adult Owned Doe

1st: P2A9, Yabba Dabba Doo Beryl, Buff Dumbo Doe, owned and bred by Ellie Thurley

2nd: P2A2, Campion Pippa, Russian Blue Dumbo Doe, owned by Becky Hinson

3rd: P2A7, Ralph, Agouti Berkshire Doe, owned by Coleen Gruber

4th: P2A8, Yabba Dabba Doo Samba, Black Dumbo Doe, owned by Debbie Lauf

Best Adult Owned

1st: P1A5, Mercury Galileo, Russian Blue Agouti Point Siamese Buck Adult, owned and bred by Becky Hinson

2nd: P2A9, Yabba Dabba Doo Beryl, Buff Dumbo Doe, owned and bred by Ellie Thurley

3rd: P2A2, Campion Pippa, Russian Blue Dumbo Doe, owned by Becky Hinson

4th: P2A7, Ralph, Agouti Berkshire Doe, owned by Coleen Gruber

Best Junior Owned Doe and Best Junior Owned

1st: P4V1, Silver, owned by Fern Baker.

Supreme Pet Challenge

Best Pet: P1A5, Mercury Galileo, Russian Blue Agouti Point Siamese Buck Adult, owned and bred by Becky Hinson

Reserve Best Pet: P2A9, Yabba Dabba Doo Beryl, Buff Dumbo Doe, owned and bred by Ellie Thurley

3rd: P2A2, Campion Pippa, Russian Blue Dumbo Doe, owned by Becky Hinson

4th: P2A7, Ralph, Agouti Berkshire Doe, owned by Coleen Gruber

Special Awards

Kidnapped: P2A4, Bonnie, Dumbo Rex Doe, owned by Annette Spears

Best Small Furry

1st: Withheld

2nd: SF2, Gerbil, owned by Jo Knight

3rd: SF1, Hamster, owned by Ryan Knight