Show Results
Christmas 2011 at Collingwood, Birmingham
Judged by Alison Triggs
Adult Challenge
1st:3503, Campion Ethel, Russian Blue Agouti Doe, exhibited and bred by Vicki Meakin.
2nd:1701, Willow, Agouti Hooded Doe , exhibited by Mel Bloxham.
3rd:0701, Yabba Dabba Doo Vera, Black Doe, exhibited by Becky Hinson.
4th:5101, Caledonian Obsidian, Silver Black Buck, exhibited by Lucy Hunt.
Kitten Challenge
1st: 3601, Mercury Jemima, Russian Blue Agouti Doe, exhibited and bred by Becky Hinson.
2nd: 0801, Destiny Eddie, Black Buck, exhibited by Lynda Lazarevic.
3rd: 2001, Mercury Janet, Black Variegated Doe, exhibited and bred by Becky Hinson.
4th: 4402, Ramkin Skye, Blue Point Siamese Doe, exhibited by Lucy Hunt.
Stud Buck
1st: 5101, Caledonian Obsidian, Silver Black, exhibited by Lucy Hunt and bred by Lois Mattson.
2nd: 3504, Belyaev Kernow, Russian Blue Agouti, exhibited by Vicki Meakin.
3rd: 7101, Brammocks Chalky, Shaded Rex, exhibited and bred by Lynda Lazarevic.
4th: 6901, Mercury Rory, Russian Rex, exhibited and bred by Becky Hinson.
Novice Award
1st:0803, Destiny Jasmine, Black Doe Kitten, exhibited and bred by Lucy Hunt.
Special Awards
Kidnapped: 2301, Brammocks Dennis, Black Essex Adult Buck, exhibited and bred by Lyn Lazarevic.
Supreme Challenge
Best In Show: 3503, Campion Ethel, Russian Blue Agouti Adult Doe, exhibited and bred by Vicki Meakin.
Reserve Best In Show & Best Opposite Age: 3601, Mercury Jemima, Russian Blue Agouti Doe Kitten, exhibited and bred by Becky Hinson.
3rd: 1701, Willow, Agouti Hooded Doe Adult, exhibited by Mel Bloxham.
4th: 0701, Yabba Dabba Doo Vera, Black Adult Doe, exhibited by Becky Hinson.