Midlands Rat Club

Meet the Committee

Louise Durose


Hello, I am Lou, I've been a member of MRC since 2018, having got my first rats around then. I joined the committee in 2022.

I am still very much learning about the world of rats and rats in general.

In my personal life I am married to Scott and mum to twin 11 year olds, enjoy crafting of all sorts, and love a good murder mystery book

Lisa King


Hiya, I'm Lisa and I'm now your Chairman. I have been a member of the MRC since 2007 after coming along to a couple of shows after I got my first rats in 2006.

I have been on committee in a couple of different roles over the years and most recently took over as Chairman when Graham had to sadly stand down due to ill health. Graham said this better than I could when he was Chairman, so I'm stealing it;

"The MRC has always held the promotion of rats as pets and show animals at its heart and over the years we have built a reputation for friendly and welcoming shows. We have, as a matter of principle, aimed to encourage and educate as well as provide a fun social environment for all our members.

As chairman, I see my task as ensuring these and all our principles are maintained and enhanced throughout all aspects of our club and its activities".

Outside of MRC life I have many hobbies, some I have more time for than others thanks to my 4 children, mainly crafty type things such as sewing and crochet but I also love to read.

Jasmin Jones

Rosettes Officer

Hi, my name is Jasmin and I'm the Rosette and Trophy Officer for the MRC.

I started owning rats during lockdown in 2020 and it soon spiralled into my number one hobby!

I love rats, looking at rats, being with rats and talking about rats, so if you see me at a show, we likely already have a lot in common... Come say hello!

Hayley Wainwright

General Show Secretary

Hello! I’m Hayley, General Show Secretary. I’ve been on committee for several years, and I very much enjoy getting involved. It’s great to be on committee with passionate like-minded people.

I’ve been keeping rats since the age of 15. My first experience of a rat show was in 2008 at Willington MRC. I would never have believed back then that oneday I would be helping to run these shows… In 2020 I started my breeding journey under Rainmaker Rattery. I breed shaded rats - Burmese, Wheaten Burmese and Tonkinese.

On an MRC show day you can often find me behind the secretary bench. If you see me come and say Hi!

Martin King

Shop and Stalls Co-ordinator

Hi everyone, I’m Martin, long suffering husband to Lisa who used to be your shop and stalls co-ordinator but is now your chairman. I was co-opted onto committee last year and it just made sense for me to take over Lisa’s role. I had been helping her with both behind the scenes tasks like upgrading the shop to use a barcode scanner and creating a database so that it would work.

I had rats as pets when I was a child and then Lisa and I got our first rats together at the end of 2006 and we’ve had them ever since. Lisa started breeding in 2019 and whilst I have no idea about the genetics and I’m not involved with making any breeding decisions I do enjoy it when there are babies to socialise (and tiny bellies to prod).

If you’ve attended a show recently then you may have noticed that I also have a passion for 3D printing and bring along prints for the craft collective including rat themed ones.

Reece Maxwell

Membership Secretary

Hi I'm Reece, the current Membership Secretary. I've been a member since 2018 and having been loving it since. I've kept rats for most of my adult life but found the MRC after moving house and wanting to increasing my mischief. I haven't looked back since.

I have a passion for DIY and have built parts of or all of the current enclosures my animals live in which I'm happy to show off. I enjoy a variety of things that gets my adrenaline running and keeps me active. Can't wait to put my own spin on things, see you at the next show.

Fiona Barnes

Club Secretary

Hi, I'm Fiona, the current Club Secretary x

I first had rats 17 years ago, took a little break while my children were small, but then owned lots of amazing furry characters. Until very recently & was breeding under Rubix Rattery for a while before personal circumstances put a stop to both that and rat ownership, but love to steal all of them I can at shows for cuddles!

Rhiannon Wilkins

Publicity Officer

Hi I'm Rhiannon Wilkins. My first encounter with a fancy rat was my partner Reece thrusting one into my face and saying “Hold it”. He handed me the cutest little brown rat, which instantly licked my hand and started exploring. I was in love. It wasn't until my first show that I was obsessed.

Meeting everyone and feeling so welcome, I had never been surrounded by so much fluff and love. It is an honour to be Publicity Officer and I enjoy being part of this amazing club.

Rachel Phillips

Fun Events Co-ordinator

Hi, I'm Rachel, the Fun Events Co-ordinator. I returned to the wonderful world of rat ownership in 2021 after a 15-ish year break.

I can often be found at shows trying to entertain my 7-year-old with crafty things, so it makes sense for me to be the one organising all things fun 😊

I love thinking up lots of things to keep you all entertained whilst we wait for judging to be finished 😊️

In Loving Memory of Claire Roberts.

On the 28th of March 2020 our amazing friend Claire lost her two year battle with leukaemia.

She was such a big part of the MRC and the larger rat world in general and we know that Claire and her Black Lupin rats will be hugely missed by so many.

Claire put her heart and soul into her rats and the MRC. She was on the committee for over 10 years as the longest standing member with no breaks! She was the first winner of the MRC Quality Breeder Award and we will miss having to help her drag home armfuls of her rosettes after every show

As a brilliant breeder with amazing show winning rats, she was always ready to share her ratty knowledge and to help people with their questions or rat based problems. She truly is a massive loss to the community. Rat shows were the cornerstone of her social life and where we actually all met in the first place.

On a more personal note, Claire was one of our closest friends and I'm not sure we'll ever fill the hole she’s left. She was kind, funny, supportive and one of the most modest people we know so she'd probably hate the fact you’re all reading about her now. We have had lots of adventures over the years of our friendship and we are devastated that there will be no more holidays, shopping trips or crazy nights out.️

We have set up a fundraising page in Claire's name in support of DKMS to help fight blood cancer. If you would like to donate to this very worthy cause please use the following link: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/black-lupin-stud Lisa King and Hannah Garland