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MRC Annual Cup Show
Show Organiser: Sandra Mobbs Varieties Judge: Lian O'Sullivan Pet Judge: Lisa King Catering Co-ordinator: Saz Lea Health Checks: tbc Attractions: MRC Shop, origami rats, rat rope making (please bring any unwanted bedsheets), raffle, refreshments, Healthful Hog, Rattie Angels, Cosy Beds and Burrows. |
Shoulder RatsShoulder rats are allowed at this show - a maximum of three from any one household. There is no charge for bringing shoulder rats but we remind people not to bring ANY rats, either as entries or as shoulder rats, unless they are 100% fine and healthy. Please also do not bring rats if you have taken in rats from an 'unknown' source (eg. rescue or pet shop) in the past three weeks. |
THE 2 WEEK GUIDELINETo prevent the spread of infections, we request you not to bring rats to the show if you have attended a show or taken in rats within the past two weeks, particularly if a virus is known to be circulating. See the article Prevention is better than cure for more detailed advice. |
Enter using the online form above right or by email to . Close of entries is at 9pm on the Wednesday preceding the show (Thursday for a Sunday show). See How to Show for more details.
Hire tanks are available for novice or first time show-ers. We only have a limited number of tanks available for hire, so we would ask that members who regularly show provide their own suitable tanks to allow novice entries priority.
If you wish to exchange rats at this show please use our online form or contact the Show Organiser. You must pre-notify details of any
rats or small furries which will be taken to the show for collection.
Descriptions and ages will be required. Only pre-arranged sales and exchanges may be made.
Why do I have to notify the club?